In this Spanish-English Mediation Worksheet students are asked to extract, select and summarize information from an article that describes 10 key aspects of Feng Shui for your home. They have to tell a foreign friend about what he/she wants to know now that he/she is moving to a new flat. It is a cross-linguistic (Spanish-English) mediation task.
In the pre-mediation section, students revise the structure have something done and work on two mediation strategies.
This mediation activity is great to:
train translation with definitions and synonyms
use drawing as a complementary strategy to oral descriptions
In this C2 Speaking Worksheet students talk about different topics that have to do with being able to rent or buy a home and get on the property ladder, as well as other topics such as making a house our home,…
In this B1 Speaking Worksheet learners talk about how they manage their time, time-consuming activities, and what they do to kill time, among many other aspects around the concept of time and the use we make of it. Learners revise…
In this B1 Speaking Worksheet learners talk about New Year’s Resolutions, if they make them, and why we do or don’t find it easy to keep them. Learners revise Grammar contents like future plans and intentions, the adverb «enough», the…
In this B2 Speaking Worksheet learners talk about New Year’s Resolutions, their plans for the new year, and how easy or not-so-easy it is to change habits or to take up new ones. Learners revise Grammar contents like modal adverbs,…