In this Spanish-English Mediation Worksheet students are asked to extract information from a brochure on Cabárceno wildlife park and translate it for a foreign friend who is visiting it with his/her family. It is a cross-linguistic (Spanish-English) mediation task.
In the pre-mediation section students work on the expression It’s not that… + adj/adv and revise conditional subordinate clauses.
We continously face a social dilemma when it comes to the use we make of the Internet. In this C2 Speaking Worksheet students talk about the current use of social media, their digital blueprint, the role of influenzers, and the…
What would life be like if we did not have music? For sure, way more boring! In this C2 Speaking Worksheet students talk about their musical inclinations and tastes, the future of the music industry in the face of the…
This is a selection of B1 Mediation Tasks for freemium users who are particularly interested in B1 level. In the selection we have prepared for you, you can see the different types of tasks you can find in The Way’s…
This is our B2 MEDIATION EXAM PACK 2020. All institutional subscribers with an active subscription before the end of March 2020 can enjoy this Bonus Mediation Exam Pack that comes with a guide for the evaluator per task, making it…