In this Spanish-English Written Mediation Worksheet students mediate from two posters that inform parents about the process and dates involving pre-school and primary enrolment for the following course.
They are asked to write an email to a foreign friend who is moving to their city to inform him/her about the details of the enrolment process.
In this B2.1 Interlinguistic (Spanish-English) Written Mediation Task students are asked to read an article about the pros and cons of bilingual education and pass the information on to someone who does not have access to the information due to…
In this B2.1 Intralinguistic (Spanish-English) Oral Mediation Task students are asked to read an article about the pros and cons of bilingual education and pass the information on to someone who does not have access to the information due to…
This is an Intralinguistic (English-English) B2 Oral Mediation Task. In «In an emergency», students are asked to help the new language assistant in their school understand the information on a poster found in all classrooms, and also make sure they…
This is an Intra-linguistic (English-English) B2 Written Mediation Task. In «In an emergency», students are asked to help a new language assistant in their school understand the information on a poster found in all classrooms, and also make sure they…