
The Way Blog

Sep 12 2021

C2 Mastery. The Ultimate C2 English Course

C2 MASTERY. THE ULTIMATE C2 ENGLISH COURSE   «This is the book that I wish I had found when I started teaching advanced English, quite a few years ago… … so I decided to create it.» Javier Blanco    …

Sep 06 2021

Your time saving solution for modern teaching

Every time you download a worksheet you are saving yourself between 2 and 5 hours of work or study. Multiply that for the hundreds of worksheets that you need every course, and you’ll be fascinated at the amount of EXTRA…

Sep 06 2021

The Neuroscience behind The Way’s Method

Our brains are always changing as a result of environment and experience. Thanks to breakthroughs in neuroscience in the last two decades, we now know how the brain responds during learning, allowing us to design learning experiences that make the…

Dic 27 2020

Spice it up a bit! How to elaborate a story around a mediation activity

You know that we humans always love a good story and that when you connect to the story because you can relate to it, or to someone in the story because you have felt the same way, your brain stops…

Dic 03 2020

Generational Differences: A Mediation with information we could all do with in real life

How many generations do you interact with at work every day? How are they coping with the challenges of changing times at the speed of light? Work as we knew it has changed so much in the past 7 months that…

Oct 05 2020

Pleased to Meet Me (C2 Complete Series)

LISTENING: QUIZ What learning style are you? And why it doesn’t matter! Everyone learns differently. YouTuber Elise tells us about the main different learning styles and sets a quiz for us to find out what type of learner we are….

May 04 2020

Popular Mediations on tests that truly happen in Real Life.

PROCESSING TEXTS In our Mediation Series today we are looking at popular mediations on tests that truly happen in daily life. I was browsing a news website looking for suitable articles to use as source texts in our mediations when I…

Abr 20 2020

EXAM PACK 2020 – A Priceless Bonus with your subscription.

At The Way Experience we really mean it when we say that we want to make your life easier when it comes to Linguistic Mediation. This time we have gone a step further, by preparing an EXAM PACK that includes…

Abr 12 2020

How summaries can improve your students’ ability to mediate.

How oral and written summaries can improve your students’ ability to mediate, regardless of the kind of mediation they’ll have to face in their exams.   ONE. Because summarizing is a key microskill that we activate when we mediate both written and oral…

Feb 28 2020

The Way Experience in EOI Toledo

Yesterday we presented The Way Experience in EOI Raimundo de Toledo. Wonderful day in Toledo. Such a charming city. We adore this atmosphere,  a live melting pot of cultures in the old town, with its cobbled streets and hundreds of…

Nov 29 2019

The Way Experience en EOI El Fuero de Logroño

Nuestro tour por las EOIs de todo el país nos trae esta mañana a la EOI El Fuero de Logroño. En este link podéis ver una introducción al concepto de Mediación Lingüística y sus elementos principales. LA MEDIACIÓN LINGÜÍSTICA Y…

Nov 29 2019

The Way Experience in EOI Burgos

Nuestro tour por las EOIs de todo el país nos trae esta semana hasta Burgos.  Llegamos ayer bajo una cortina de agua y nos encantó pasear por el casco antiguo, casi desierto. Y volvimos a visitar La Favorita, taberna urbana…

Nov 15 2019

Escalas de Evaluación

Presentación Este post que estás leyendo es el resumen de la ponencia que di en las III Jornadas Giele el pasado 16 de Noviembre de 2019 en Donostia. #thewayGiele #Donostia2019 #Giele2019 (por si quieres saber más de lo que allí…

Nov 15 2019

The Way Experience in EOI BILBAO #thewayEOIBilbao

So we are presenting in EOI Bilbao today. Such a wonderful day in Bilbao City. Ever so rainy and cold. We adore this atmosphere, beautiful old town with its spotless streets, supreme culinary scene and wonderfully courteous people. It really…

Nov 15 2019

The Way Experience en EOI Getxo #thewayEOIGetxo

Hoy presentamos en EOI Getxo, Bilbao. Qué maravilla estar de vuelta en Las Arenas. Iremos al puente colgante, a ver si esta vez subimos hasta lo alto. Y nos tomaremos unos pintxos mirando al Nervión, justo allí donde se encuentra con…

Nov 14 2019

The cultural component in The Way’s Method & Materials – The World of Truffle

How do you tackle the cultural component in Mediation in a way that is meaningful and that is connected to real-life, creating authentic situations and connecting people to meaningful learning? The Way Experience does it all for you and helps…

Nov 05 2019

The Way’s Feedback Method

What’s all the fuss about this feedback method that looks so promising it almost sounds magical? Oh, well, there was actually a time when we told our students that if they carried out the second phase of The Way’s Feedback…

Oct 06 2019

Linguistic Mediation. A little less theory and a lot more practice.

It’s been quite a while now since teachers like you and me started reading and talking about linguistic mediation. In the last two years, we have attended numerous conferences, seminars, and webinars, and I’m pretty sure most of you have…

© 2025. The Way Experience
Design & development: Daniel Caballero