
The Way Blog

Abr 20 2020

EXAM PACK 2020 – A Priceless Bonus with your subscription.

At The Way Experience we really mean it when we say that we want to make your life easier when it comes to Linguistic Mediation.

This time we have gone a step further, by preparing an EXAM PACK that includes Intralinguistic and Cross-Linguistic Mediation tasks for levels A2 to C2.

What exactly is this Exam Pack 2020?

The Way’s Exam Pack 2020 is a collection of Mediation Exam Tasks that do not include the pre-mediation and post-mediation tasks that you can find in regular Mediation Worksheets on our website.

It includes something that is specific to Evaluation in Linguistic Mediation: A Guide for the Evaluator that is unique for each task.

Why is it so special?

Well, it is so special because each guide is written for each task, specifying the strategies and micro-skills that students will be expected to use during their mediation exam, and providing examples from the source text (oral or written).

Besides, it draws the evaluator’s attention towards other aspects of the student’s mediated production that need to be assessed too.

How are the tasks designed?

All our exam packs are designed following specific guidelines in the creation of exam tasks, which go through a process of observation as regards how students would perform when carrying them out.

Can I see a sample?

Of course! There is a sample for each level available HERE. You can download those examples as a Freemium user.

How long will it be available?

The Exam Pack will be available for new subscribers until the end of May 2020After that date, it will only be available to be purchased separately as materials for non-subscribers. Individual and institutional subscribers will be able to purchase it on The Way’s Shop but it will not be included in their annual subscription.


© 2025. The Way Experience
Design & development: Daniel Caballero