

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for information about our materials and services? You are in the right place.

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for here, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

About Speaking Worksheets and Mediation Materials

How do I start using this website?

To start using our website you can create a freemium account. You can also watch this video to learn more about how to use our website.

Which worksheets can I access for free?

The number of worksheets that you can access or download for free is limited. Registered teachers with a Freemium subscription can download all worksheets that are marked with a Freemium subscription icon.

How can I access and download The Way Experience© materials and worksheets?

To access The Way methodology and materials you must register here. You can register with a Freemium subscription, with access to a limited number of worksheets. You can also purchase one of our Subscription plans, granting you unlimited access to our Speaking worksheets and our Mediation materials. All the materials that are accessible to paying subscribers are marked with a Silver or Gold subscription icon.

Paying subscribers are also granted access to our library of Extra Materials, including original games to boost your students’ speaking, common mistakes worksheets in oral production for different levels and tricky aspects of the language to work on.

What do I get when I purchase a subscription?

Take a look at our pricing section to see what you are entitled to with each subscription.

Can I search for worksheets per topic and level?

Yes, there are several places where you can search for worksheets. There is a search engine on All Materials page, on Speaking Worksheets page and on Mediation Materials page.

On these pages, you can search for a selection of topics and keywords or per level.

If you would like to suggest any other filter options that you would find useful, please, let us know in the contact us section. We would really appreciate any suggestions to improve our service.

Who creates The Way Experience© materials?

All our materials are original and specifically created by experienced ESL teachers. They are carefully supervised and tested.

Can I print out The Way Experience© materials?

Yes, you certainly can. When you register or purchase a subscription plan, all the materials you have access to are available for you to use in your lessons and with all your students. They can keep their worksheets for later revision.

However, you cannot alter, modify, reproduce, lend out or share our materials, let alone sell or commercially exploit our contents in any way. For further information, please check our terms and conditions.

You can also print out copies of the Teacher’s Feedback Template to take personalized notes of your students’ oral production, as well as of My Way Witnessing Chart for your students, so they can keep track of their own mistakes. Take a look at our Method.

I teach online. Can I use your material in my online lessons?

As an online teacher, you can benefit greatly from our method, which adapts perfectly well to online lessons via Skype or any other video conference platform. You can, of course, share our worksheets and materials with your online students via Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, email, etc. For further information, please check our terms and conditions.

I would like to publish your materials on my website/ blog. Can I do it?

The Way Experience© materials are for your personal and professional use only. You do not have permission to upload and/or share any of our materials for public access.

However, if you have a restricted website, teaching platform or blog to which only your students have access, you may share our materials there, provided it is not open to the general public.

If you wish to share our materials publicly, feel free to share a link to our website.

If you are not sure about your permissions, see our terms and conditions.

About Subscription plans

How can I add users to my subscription plan?

You can add, change and delete users by writing to us at support@thewayexperience.es

The number of users you are allowed to add depends on your subscription plan, as you can see in the pricing section.

How can I help my teachers make the most of The Way Experience© method?

To help your teachers make the most of our method you can ask them to check our method section. There is a video there that will be really useful in understanding how the method works. You can also give them this booklet on how The Way’s method works for you and for your students. Should you still have doubts on how to apply any of our methodological guidelines, please contact us and we will do our best to solve your problem.

About Subscription plans for individual teachers and private tutors

How can I access and download your worksheets and materials?

As a teacher, you can benefit enormously from The Way’s method. There are two types of subscription plans for individual teachers and private tutors: Silver, which grants you unlimited access to our Topic Worksheets, or Gold, including both Mediation Materials and Topic Worksheets, as you can see in our pricing section.

Paying subscribers are also granted access to our library of Extra Materials, including original games to boost your students’ speaking, common mistakes worksheets in oral production for different levels and tricky aspects of the language to work on.

If you register with a Freemium account, you will have limited access to some of our resources, enough to use them in your lessons and test our method for yourself.

Is The Way Experience© method worth the investment?

Definitely. The Way’s method will prove to be a real time-saver for you, so you can devote your free time to what really matters to you. Why spend so much time preparing materials when you can have us work for you?

Check our benefits for teachers and see for yourself.

How can my students benefit from my lessons using The Way’s method?

Your students will train their speaking skills with you, using a tried and tested method that will give them confidence as well as precious materials to revise after your lessons, including personalized feedback that will have them hooked.

Check our benefits for students and see for yourself.

About The Way Experience for students

I am a student of English. Is there anything for me in The Way Experience© shop?

Yes, of course. As a student of English you are the person that can benefit the most from The Way’s method. The sets of worksheets will help you prepare for your speaking exam providing you with exactly the type of contents that you need to prepare for your certification exam. Take a look at the benefits for students.

You can also purchase a teacher subscription for your personal use and benefit from all our materials.

However, you cannot alter, modify, reproduce, lend out or share our materials, let alone sell or commercially exploit our contents in any way. For further information, please check our terms and conditions.

About registration

When I register, will my email be added to a mailing list?

When you register with The Way, we will not share your personal information with other companies. The only mailing list that you will be part of is our fortnightly newsletter informing you of our updates.

How can I unsubscribe from your newsletter mailing list?

You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of every email that you receive from us.

Can I change my personal details?

If you wish to change your personal information, for example, your email address, you can log in and click Edit in your account profile.

What should I do if I forget my password?

You can reset your password by clicking the ‘Forgot your password’ link below the log in box. You will receive an email with a link to set a new password. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder. If after taking these steps you are still having problems, please contact us.

About payment

How can I purchase a subscription plan? How much does a subscription plan cost?

To check our prices and purchase a subscription plan, please go to pricing.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit card such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and American Express. You can also pay via PayPal and by bank transfer.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Subscription plans are subject to automatic re-billing and will, therefore, automatically renew at the end of the plan’s billing cycle. Users may cancel their subscription any time up to three working days prior to the date the payment is scheduled to take place. You can do so by writing to support@thewayexperience.es. If you purchased your subscription via PayPal, you can cancel the Recurring Payment in your PayPal account.


© 2025. The Way Experience
Design & development: Daniel Caballero