
The Way Blog

Sep 12 2021

C2 Mastery. The Ultimate C2 English Course



«This is the book that I wish I had found when I started teaching advanced English, quite a few years ago…

… so I decided to create it.»

Javier Blanco


 Author of C2 Mastery. The Ultimate C2 English Course


What makes C2 Mastery a much more useful tool for both teachers and students of advanced English than what is out there?

  • Real, authentic, and up-to-date materials, covering virtually all the gamut of topics and current events, from real sources.
  • Engrossing topics of conversation which not only address the areas and lexical contents included in official school curriculums, but are also bound to elicit exciting, thought-provoking, and dynamic debates and conversations.
  • Activities and tests to practice all skills (reading, listening, oral and written mediation, writing, speaking) which simulate actual exam tasks, and are challenging enough to make students feel confident and competent enough before a test.
  • 37 Speaking Worksheets, about a huge variety of topics, packed with advanced grammar, vocabulary, and “real” English expressions, so students can express their ideas with more accuracy, naturalness, and in a more elaborate manner, like a C2 student should.
  • An enormous number of extra materials (extra tasks, language activation worksheets, extra resources), to ensure that students can practice, learn, and progress autonomously, and which feel ideal for blended-learning and online education courses.
  • Language Activation and Consolidation Worksheets that help students bridge the gap between receptive and productive language skills.
  • Teacher’s guides, answer keys and listening test transcripts are available and easily accessible to make self-learning possible and make teaching and learning almost effortless.
  • And last, but not least, an underlying theme of self-improvement and positive thinking (so needed today), which links all the units and activities together and which is the common thread to the contents in the book.

I started teaching C-levels more than five years ago, and I was never fully satisfied by the different textbooks that were available.

The topics fell short of my expectations, felt a little bit uninteresting, and the way the activities were laid out did not reflect the way we teach as English teachers at language schools and universities. Students also complained that the different tests did not reflect either the type of tasks they, later on, would find in exams or the level of difficulty (they were almost always much easier than what they finally found in actual, official tests). And that is why I started crafting C2 Mastery. I strived to make the materials I wish I had found, and which would make my lessons fly; while it took me some time, at last, here it is.

How can C2 Mastery make your job and life easier, as an advanced English teacher?

  • Units are designed so they match perfectly the currently existing lesson plans.
  • There is an explanatory guide for each of the activities so you can save time preparing lessons.
  • All the different skills are practiced throughout the units, and they seamlessly transition from one to another, making the class dynamic and lively, the students motivated and your work more fun.
  • You are spoilt for choice with the amount of material available, thus ensuring that students get enough practice during their autonomous learning.
  • Students have access to any of the materials, audios, keys, and explanations at any time, which makes self-monitoring easy and reduces considerably the number of enquiries and unnecessary questions.
  • You have access to a variety of samples of the tasks contained in the book, performed by actual C2 students, as a reference to gauge what your students’ work should look like.





Author of

C2 Mastery. The Ultimate C2 English Course



Creator of The Way Experience

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