In this Spanish-English Oral Mediation Worksheet students mediate a piece of news about a problem related to some brands of formula milk.
They are asked to scan the text for the most important bits of information to help a friend who is concerned, as he/she has been giving his/her child formula milk produced by one of the brands mentioned in the article.
In this B1 reading task about Texas man lives 70 years in an Iron Lung ‘I Never Gave Up’ learners practice a very popular exam-type exercise, a C1 Multiple Choice exercise in which they’ll have to select the right option to…
In this C1 reading task about The impacts of junk food on health learners practice a very popular exam-type exercise, a C1 Multiple Choice exercise in which they’ll have to select the right option to answer the questions. C1 Students will…
In this B2 reading task about Texas man lives 70 years in an iron lung ‘I never gave up’, students practice a very popular quiz-type exercise, in which they have to insert the missing sentences/paragraphs in the gaps. B2 students…
In this C1 Speaking Worksheet students talk about their work-life balance, what it means to live a fulfilled life, and how they manage to juggle work, family and social relations, and other aspects of their life. Students revise Grammar contents…