This C1English-EnglishMediation Exam Task is an exam training task to help students better understand what they’ll need to do in the mediation section in any certification exam.
This task has been designed so it can also be used for mid-year C1 Mediation Exams, as training both for students and for teachers, as it is accompanied by a guide for the evaluator that we are sure you will appreciate.
«Damage or Wear & Tear» is an intralinguisticC1oral mediation exam task in which students are asked to help someone who has recently moved to the US in a very realistic situation, that is when ex-pats need to rent a house in a foreign country.
A sink repair request is a B1 writing task with a sample answer so you can use it as a guide for your students in class. It comes in two versions, pdf and word format as a way to make…
Sink repair request is a B2 writing task with a sample answer so you can use it as a guide for your students in class. It comes in two versions, pdf and word format as a way to make it…
In this C2 Speaking Worksheet students talk about different topics that have to do with being able to rent or buy a home and get on the property ladder, as well as other topics such as making a house our home,…
This C1 Intralinguistic (English-English) Mediation Task is perfect to train mediating infographics. This task has been designed so it can be used for C1 Mediation Exam Training, serving as training both for students and for teachers. It is accompanied by…